keep discovering

not most of the people i know, knew that i am fond of writing...
not until i started this blog site.

i am not good, that i know.
but my passion for this has been with me since i first learn how to read & write.
i won a lot of writing competitions way back in grade school & high school...
i graduated with a degree of Journalism :)

maybe its just not so obvious with my personality, but i am very sentimental & emotional. people may find me cool, fun, tough... but deep inside, i am not.

i have a compilation of my poems, since grade 1, started short stories in highschool, and a novel during college. it was kept... in the middle of the ocean. nobody read those. just me.

when i was working in the broadcast company, things changed. or maybe... i was just too busy with other things... trying to analyze what my future will be, studying my career path, trying new fields, and somehow trying to be somebody that was not really me.
opportunity came in. different profession. another calling...
i was never too tired to study. my life was a complete season of learning.
i have received masteral degree of experiences. trial & error.
but giving up is not listed on my dictionary.

most say that writers dont like numbers...
not in my case. numbers & letters are my favorites.

i've tried different careers. coordinator; researcher; producer; admin officer; marketing; tv director; videographer; photographer; now, im in advertising...
i dont know how...
but on the process, i was able to do those... one at a time.
and surprisingly, i performed well during those times - i know - because i did my best. and that's what important, right?

i enjoyed the training... i was always eager to learn more about anything...
and i discovered something in me...
my skills, talents, it shaped me - i know i became a better individual...
i was able to develop my character, piece by piece.

but i was never complete. i kept on searching for something...
none in all the things that ive done gave me this satisfaction and happiness as what writing is giving me...
and now, i realized.
if i will to be somebody that i want to be, i need to know who i am...
to understand what i have become.

i am just starting - again...
this time, i need to concentrate and give writing a chance...

its like going back to myself after my soul was clouded by my ambitions, discovering my real goal. understanding what i really wanted.
knowing my character.
embracing my passion.
revealing the real me.

i was inspired by people who read my blogs, gave some comments, told me that they were touched... i am happy knowing that my "sentiments" were useful and inspiring to others.

as i have said, i am not good... yet.
but i want to be.

i may not know the secret of being a good writer,
but the thought that someone like you reads my piece... it makes me feel like one.

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