Jordan Journal | Ancient City of Jerash

I should have put Journey to Jordan on my title; but this post will be more of a personal journal than a travel blog article that you normally ready... so yeah... this is me, sharing another memorable experience in my life with you and the world.

We departed Dubai 24th of October 2012, bound to Amman for a once in a lifetime adventure with our Bible Study group and my cousin who arrived a night before from US. The airport departure had been stressful for me. There were some issues with the documents for purchasing the tickets, which almost offloaded my cousin from the flight... 

As the check in counter closes and the boarding gate opened, I was tensed... She can't miss this flight! Hence, deep in my heart, I know that God is dealing something within us. I should not worry but trust Him fully!

Even before this travel, there were hindrances that came along, but He made this trip possible. And I believe that He will do something wonderful. 

And He never fail us... our prayers were answered as the airport / ground supervisor gave his approval, out of his trust; and just in time as he said run and catch the plane, the documents that we needed were received via email.

Our group of 14 people boarded the plane and landed safely. Glory to God. 

The first destination is the Old City of Jerash.

As stated in the Jordan Tourism Board: it is A ROME AWAY FROM ROME... 

The old Gerasa, who was under Roman rule, was excavated and restored from about 70 years back. It was hidden by centuries in sand. The ruins have revealed the grandeur of Roman urbanism... the theatres  temples, pillars and the city walls has just brought us back to the ancient time. (read more at

The travel from Amman City to Jerash took us about an hour. It was not on our itinerary. But the tour is worth it. Fresh from the airport, we just dropped our things at the hotel and went straight to the site. 

It was a good decision. The Jordan adventure would not be complete without the Jerash visit. 

It's like walking on a big map while you are reviewing history... but you do not have to use much of visualization as you are seeing the actual. The facade and the structures will give you a clear view of what it was... 

The place is a combination of history, religion and mythology...  Our tour guide has reviewed well enough to be able to share all the stories behind every hilltops and even rocks...

Admittedly, I didn't listen much. I took photos most of the time, and was even tagged as "the last one" being the last person to reach the next stop. But I tried to catch up and whatever I heard, I am going to share; but if my memory didn't work well, I promise, you'll love the photos on my next post and it will tell  you the whole story :-) 

Every step I took while strolling along the colonnaded street of the old city makes me appreciate how the Jordanians protect and preserved their past. These walls have witnessed how they struggle for their freedom... It may not all be a good experience being under the Roman empire but they give value to the history that binds them as a Kingdom. 

The way to a more progressive and modern Jerash is too far what I've seen on this visit. But it's OK. They may not have tall buildings and huge shopping malls, but they have preserved their history. I think it helps them to keep the Jordanian spirit in everyone, seeing the huge pillars of the past is a constant reminder of how strong their foundation was.

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