Prayer Power

"There are thoughts which are prayers...
There are moments when, whatever the posture of the body, the soul is on its knees."   -Victor  Hugo

Have you ever experience that?
When there are no other things in your mind, but prayers...
Either giving thanks and praise or asking for strength and relief...
Or just simply wanting to be on His feet... talking with Him in silence.

In one article, I read about Paul's teaching on Thanksgiving and Prayer (Ephesians 1:15-23).

He prayed that people will be given the Spirit of Knowledge to know God better.
For people to experience in their lives the power that raised Jesus from the dead.
He prayed that God would strengthen them by Spirit in their inner being.
He talked about worship and submission in terms of Spirit.
And to let the Spirit use God's words in their lives and encouraged them to 'pray in Spirit.'

Paul demonstrates the importance of seeking God in prayer... showing us that prayer, worship, submission and the word of God are crucial in releasing the Spirit's Power in our lives.

There is one more "prayer lesson" that I can never forget. I learned this from my religion class from grade school....
How we should pray, remembering others... with fingers as guide:

Thumb, as nearest to the heart, stands for the people who are close to our hearts...
Index, or the pointing finger, are like those who teach, they may be our teachers, pastors, trainors... pray for those people.
Middle, as the tallest are the leaders, our boss, head of our team, government officials... people that leads.
Third, being the weakest, reminds us for those who are sick... we should never forget to pray for them.
Finally, the Little finger, which is ourselves...

Physically, do you experience goose bumps when you pray? Cold air embraces you, while you are talking to Him... Tears unconciously flow from your eyes... Do you feel the lightness from deep within after you surrender you worries? Do you feel relieved?

And even if we don't say anything; when we simply call on His name and our heart sing praises...
He will hold you close...

That is the magic of prayers...

For me, its like a button that when I switched on, it will automatically remove all my tensions and fears.
At times when I am feeling disturbed and stressed, a seconds of silence will give me peace.
One click and I'll feel comfortable again :)
Because I know that He listens and I feel that He cares.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:6-7


Anonymous said...

I would like to Thank the Lord for you, who gives time to share the gospel and your thoughts, they are very encouraging and inspiring.
Thank you

KALI said...

Thank you very much for the encouragement.

God bless!

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