
A friend forwarded the news about the death of Gov. Raffy Nantes of Quezon Province - Philippines in a helicopter crash just few hours ago... I don't know him personally but I did one of his campaign material / AVP last 2007, when he first ran as Governor. We did his profile, and through that, I was able to have a look of his world...

I cannot remember the transcript anymore, but it is a story of "anak mahirap"; from rugs to riches, he shared his failures and success... the struggles of a shoe shine boy to a multi-million businessman and politician.

What is clear are his visions... his huge plans not just for his life but for the Quezonians...

Today was exactly a week after the election, where in the news, he did not make it in the gubernatorial race.
His political career crashed and so was  his life...

Despite his money, career and power... Gov. Nantes is now a part of history.

This is a reality that we all share. Our time will also come...
And our riches won't save us from that.

1 Now, brothers, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, 2 for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. / 1 Thessalonians 5:1-2

Whether rich or poor, we may be up in the air, under the water or walking in a vast land... we can never tell. No one can choose when, where or how. Death will come to all of us and we all end up in this world as an ash.

We may have the best plans for our lives... we might have planned well for our retirement, but no one knows what tomorrow may bring. We may have worked hard for our future, but no man can really secure his own future, for it is not the basis of our existence.
20 "But God said to him, 'You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?' / Luke 12:20

A secured future doesn't vary not what you have, but on who you are to your fellowmen and to God.

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