Showing posts with label inspirational. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inspirational. Show all posts


Most of the time, when we are at the most comfortable moment of our lives... God will suddenly instruct us to stand up from that lazy boy couch and asks us to step out from that cozy place. 

When you can see the beautiful life ahead of you and all your dreams seems coming true...  He will make you realize that these things aren't the one that really matters. 

For quite some time now, God has been asking me to move out from my comfort zone. Admittedly, I am hesitant. I tried to make excuses, and I mean really good excuses... but when He calls you, I believe we can only delay but we can never say no. 

It's been years of constant struggle, the burden is there. I know there is something else that He wants me to do, however, I have many lousy reasons not to respond... 

Road to 35: Treasures Unfold

As the number of our years increased, number of people in our lives decreases...

I remember celebrating my birthday, full house... from friends, colleagues, high school and college classmates, friends of friends and friends of friends of friends. 

Those were the days when strangers come over not to celebrate but to drink with other friends. When you just walk with bottle beer, checking on each group of people if they were enjoying... Party normally ends the following day. 

As I think of it... yes, indeed those were the happy days.
And as I try to recall one or two of my "happy birthday celebration" and try remember the different faces who were there; it seems that most of them were just part of my past. Very few are still on my present...

People come and go. That is something that I learned from my mentor while I was still in broadcasting network. 

But through the years, I learned that: 

You can choose the people who will stay in your life and those that you will let go... 

Being friends is not about being together everyday; even if you talk to a certain people daily, it doesn't mean that you are friends... and not talking or chatting everyday doesn't means you were no longer friends. 

No time nor distance can separate real friends. 

Bathroom Diaries: Yosi

Last Thursday, I was able to have a chat with a new colleague...
It started with a normal hi, hello and getting to know you conversation; and since we were both not busy as it is almost end of day, our conversations leads from one topic to another, until we noticed bunch of people at the smoking area.

Then I asked her if she smokes; she said no. Good! Then she threw the same question on me. I said I used to... but I quit... few years ago.

She was surprised... then she asked me how I did it.
She told me that her dad is also a chain smoker and she hope that he can stop too...

The First Big Four

No, this is not about Daniel, Jane, Mariz or Vickie...
More so not about Kuya who is leading the Pinoy Big Brother house.

This is about the first Big Four converts of Jesus' public ministry, that can be found in John 1:32-51.

Few weeks back, I was able to share the same message as I was given the opportunity to share the Word of God in Faith Hope and Love Assembly church in Angat, Bulacan, Philippines. This is an excerpt...

The story started the following day after John the Baptist was introduced in the Book of John. He was standing with 2 of his disciples when Jesus arrived.

36 and he looked at Jesus as He walked, and said, "Behold, the Lamb of God!"

And right there and then, they followed Jesus...

Celebrate Life

Today, I am celebrating my 34th.

Probably, I am stepping at the half stage of my life... more or less... maybe. 

My FB account was flooded with greetings from family and relatives, friends, former classmates, church family, acquaintance and career connections.

Yes, even in people, there are categories, and that is the reality; as time passes by, I realized that there are different level of relationship for every people that surrounds us
As we grow more mature, our friends became less in numbers. Others became not just friends but family to us; they are those few who stayed all throughout... while others left when things get rough. As the saying goes, I'd rather have one true friend than hundred fake ones. 

Bathroom Diaries

Yesterday, I had a really interesting bathroom conversations with different people; its not new, but its refreshing...  

"I'm soooo done with this. How can people be so inconsiderate?" - My colleague suddenly burst out her emotions while we were in the toilet to freshen up before the start of day... I looked at her and ask: What happened?

How Do I Unwrite the Past?

Sinong di pa naka-panood ng full trailer?
I believe out of 2M hits, isa ka sa nakapanood na...

That line hits me many times: Sapul!

Eto pa: How do I undo the mistakes?

Sana nga, ang buhay ay para lang keyboard ng computer. Puede kang mag ALT, CTRL at DELETE.

I Wish I Don't Have To Go To Work

I admit, those words came out from my mouth this morning; just as the other mornings, especially these days that bed-weather makes waking up a bit harder...

The gloomy light, the morning breeze and the cold water.... brrrr. My bed screams "come back to meee!"

Who's not guilty?

What we have is something different; IBA TAYO!

On the lift last Thursday, a colleague asked: "What's up for Friday?"
Then I smiled and answered: "Church day!:
"The whole day?" she curiously replied...

If you are a Christian, I know you certainly understand the excitement I have for Fridays (or Sundays on other parts of the world)... Church day is something that we all look forward to. Being with the family of God, the fellowship with one another and enjoying God's presence, praise and worship, the Word... It's different: IBA.


Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! — Philippians 4:4

Rejoicing is easy when everything else are falling into places. 
But how can we practice Philippians 4:4 when things are broken into pieces? 

There are many commandments in the Bible that was given to us as a guide for a true Christian living. Romans 12 is a good example of the guidelines that we can use. We also have the Love one another verse in John 13. 

Compared to those not-so-easy-to-achieve-commands, Rejoice in the Lord always, seems less complicated to obey.

Yeah. IT SEEMS...

Are you enjoying your silence?

My colleague who sits in front of me just asked that question...
Today is not a busy day for me, or shall I say, not a working day for me.
Uhhmmm -- Holiday in the office!!!
And the cold weather makes it just perfect...

Since morning, there are very few things. No red flags. No WIP. I just released several materials yesterday for my account. Today is indeed a rest day, if I may say.

Yet, times like these are crucial... Idle times are the most dangerous time as the 'enemy' uses this to put several things on our mind... Things that we should not even think about.

A Day Online

Recently, McDonald's Arabia launched A Day Offline, where in they encourage everyone, especially parents to go off line from all their techs for the day and enjoy the presence of family... - at McDonald's of course :)

I wonder how many people participated with all honesty on that campaign. It seems successful if you will see the images posted on their FB page - McDonald's Arabia. Photos of happy faces were flashed on news feed during the 'day off line' which somehow seems ironic, as it was supposed to be an OFFLINE day... but the smile of the children were amazing and so were the parents who have enjoyed the games. But sure enough, most of the parent's cheated on the "offline" thing...

I personally has been struggling with this concept. I am trying to discipline myself not to go online on FB the whole day... and admittedly, I never succeeded (yet).


What are you depending on?

What is solid in your world? Relationships? Money? Work? 
Almost all of us have learned that these things have a breaking point... Solid is relative.

Unless, of course, your life is built around God.
God neither bends nor breaks. He doesn't change.
He doesn't disappear. He doesn't fail.

God is the only "solid" that is truly solid.
All other things will let us down;
the unchanging God will be there until the end of time.

What's on your mind?

Familiar question?

We answer it every day if you are not the type of user who change their "Facebook - mind status" every minute. Who doesn't have an FB account? I know some who cancelled theirs already, for some personal reasons. I have thought of cancelling mine too, at one point...until I realize that somehow, we can use this as a tool for spreading the Good News.

If you are my friend, you can surely read Bible verse and some preachings or Biblical phrase on your news feed or ticker from my account, whether you like it or not! And that's what I like about it... being able to reach other people and share God's Words even to those who weren't reachable before.

The System is Down!

This is what I just heard from the accounts and finance room. So now, at 4PM today, they are on siesta... actually, we were on siesta :)
There are not much work these days and people still has the so called 'holiday hang-over'! Plus the fact that it's weekend again... no body is in the mood to work any more!

Yet, despite of the less stress week, people seems restless and tired.
They walk as if they are racing. They talk in high pitch. Most were so focused on their computers as if they are answering some mathematical equation...

Sadly, we were used to being in motion at all times that we tend to forget to pause for a while. Even when there are opportunity to sit back and relax, we chose to keep ourselves busy.

SSNHL Episode

Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss.

After seeing 3 ENT Specialist, 2 Otolaryngologists, a Neurologist, an Internist and a Dentist;  I was diagnosed to have SSNHL.
To those of you who are like me that just heard about this, you can click the link and check; that was what actually happened to me. I have also shared with you my personal experience when The Adventure Begins, with the initial diagnosis from ENT here in Dubai, before we headed to Manila as I was Listening With One Ear.

My audio gram : PTA 0.00

The 7 UPs

1. Wake UpDecide to have a good day. 
"Today is the day the Lord Hath made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." -- Prov. 118.24

2. Dress Up | The best way to dress up is to put on a smile. A smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks.
"The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at outward appearances but the Lord looks at the heart."  -- 1 Sam. 16:7

The Adventure Begins

Yey! Just a day after my 32nd birthday, my adventure begun...

In the morning of June 5, my left ear started to hear a buzzing sound. In a spun of 2 hours, it seems like I'm totally deaf. I can no longer hear anything from that side... it seems blocked and felt numb.
Gradually, I felt the imbalance while I walk, dizziness follows, until I started to throw up...
It was after lunch when vomiting took over... when I couldn't  fight any longer, I mentioned it to my colleague who immediately rushed me to the hospital.

My suffering continues, countless times of throwing up... I was so anxious, totally weak during those times at the emergency room. Everything is spinning, faster than you can ever imagine. The doctor said it is Vertigo.

Vertigo /ˈvɜː(ɹ)tɨɡoʊ/ (from the Latin vertō "a whirling or spinning movement" is a subtype of dizziness, where there is a feeling of motion when one is stationary.The symptoms are due to an asymmetric dysfunction of the vestibular system in the inner earIt is often associated with nausea and vomiting as well as a balance disorder, causing difficulties standing or walking. 

This sickness is very familiar to me, as my Nanay have the same... but I never knew and understand how hard and difficult it was, until I experienced it.  At that time in the ER, I suddenly remember how she suffers, and that memory gave me the strength to fight. Her prayers were louder than the buzzing sound in my ear.

After the medicine took effect, the doctor refer me to an EENT as she said it has something to do with my ear...

Yesterday, I went to see the EENT specialist... and he confirmed the Vertigo and an infection on my left inner ear. He sent me to an audiologist to undergo an audio gram. That confirmed my hearing loss. The doctor mentioned that my left ear is very weak at this moment. He will try but he cannot guarantee a complete healing. I need to undergo a 10-day medication before we proceed to the next step.

He will try and we will wait... without the guarantee that I will regain my hearing.

One of my colleague asked how am I coping...

Yesterday, upon hearing the diagnosis, in all honestly, I felt shocked, but never terrified. I know that I have a big God and this is just one of the test of faith and I will survive... looking forward to His wonderful work in my life.

But on my emotional side, I also felt afraid... not for myself but for my responsibilities. Can I still work? How can I help my family? I have responsibilities to our church ministry, and a big part of that is video editing wherein hearing is crucial... how can I continue to listen to His Word, when I am not capable of hearing?

But above all my worries, God spoke to me, my heart hears louder than my ears...
I just have to be still and know He is God.
Our God who heals... Our God who make all things possible. With Him, I am safe.

In the midst of this not so good situation, God's love embraced me tightly. He never let me feel alone... He sent His love through my colleague, Hana, who brought me to the hospital and  never leave my side. My best friend Erika who's taking care of me just like how my Nanay will do... Nhyit who looks after me. My brother Ernan who extends his support and love. And to all of my friends and family who keeps on praying for my recovery... With all these love, there is no room for pain, sorrow and fear...

As what I have said when I started the Chapter 32 of my life...
I will submit to His will and surrender fully to my God.
With or without hearing, I will give glory to His name.

PSALM 103: 1-5
1 Praise the Lord, my soul; 
    all my inmost being, praise his holy name. 
Praise the Lord, my soul,
    and forget not all his benefits—
who forgives all your sins 
    and heals all your diseases,
who redeems your life from the pit
    and crowns you with love and compassion, 
who satisfies your desires with good things
    so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

Become Your Dream

A Colorful  & Prosperous 2012 to you!

Let me start this by sharing an excerpt from our CEO's New Year message to us... 

Mahatma Gandhi said: "Be the change you want to see in the world." 

And a year like 2011 in our region has certainly demonstrated the validity of this message. Across the Middle East and North Africa, people have made their voices heard, and I urge you to do 2 things: 

First, Listen. Filter the truth and understand the new world we live in.... 
Equally important to listening is having a point of view and taking action. Have your voice and let it be heard. Stand for what you believe and do what you love. We have the power, the talent and the ambition to be as powerful as far reaching as our dreams can take us... Realize and become your dream... 

Since Sunday, I have been thinking of topic for the year-end or new year article. I have been praying for wisdom on what to share to everyone.  

Shall I make a recap of what happened in 2011? A year - end repost perhaps? Or shall I make a list of my new year's resolution and to-do-and-not-to-do list for the year? 

Hence, you probably have read all the recap of 2011 - good and not so good things that happened in the past. And surely, you had prepared your new year's resolution as well (if you are that type) or at least had enumerated in mind things that you want to improve for the new year (that's my type). 

So it took me a week to finally open this page and started to write... thanks to our CEO for the inspiring words. 

Be the change you want to see in the world. 

God is a Great Fixer


I am a sinner... and we all are.
I have God... and we all have.
I accepted Him as a Lord of Savior of my life... have you?

People who knew me atleast 5 years ago can testify how much I've changed.
Physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually... this isn't me few years back.

My life is a mess, and I have made several decisions that made it worst... wrong moves, wrong choices, wrong motives, wrong beliefs... until I quit.
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